Reseller/Webhosting default using a shared IP for cPanel account which is simply when multiple websites on a web server are using a shared/single address. It’s a case, where the webserver does extra work in parsing the users’ requests to the different connected websites. While a Dedicated IP address means when a website has its own unique address, which can be used to access it from the web.
And what makes a dedicated IP address unique is that it allows everyone accesses to your website just like your website’s actual domain name.
Also known as ‘fixed’ or ‘static’ IP, dedicated IP is quite the opposite of a shared IP address, and does have plenty of advantages over the shared IP address and here are 5 Benefits of Dedicated IP Hosting for your Business Website.
5 Benefits of Dedicated IP Hosting
Reasons why you would want to go for a dedicated IP address for your website, for instance, you have a website that drives a huge volume of traffic, you’ll need to have a dedicated IP that can handle that sort of traffic. It also helps to maintain and increase your website speed, and eliminate chances for your site to crash due to the heavy traffic.
1. Control of Server
Having a dedicated IP means that you’ll get direct server access, which affords you a lot of dedicated privileges and customization options. This will also mean you’ll require/not some technical skills, and how well you can manage it depends on whether you have the technical abilities to run it.
Additionally, you can run an IP-based server environment of your own, but you’ll require some permissions from your web hosting provider. If you ever require such a level of control for your business website, then you’re already sold on using a dedicated IP.
2. Necessary for Security Certificate
If you run an online store that allows customers to make purchases using credit cards, then it is mandatory for you to have an SSL certificate. And to get the security certificate, you’ll need to have a dedicated IP.
3. Beneficial for Custom Email
Using a custom email address, either means you’ll be sending emails via the web host. And if you are on a shared IP address, there’s a likelihood you could run into some privacy issues with your messages.
So getting a dedicated IP will make your email messages a bit more private, and shared IP addresses can easily get blacklisted, which could affect your email functions and even the ability to deliver your email.
It’s obviously better to simply use a third-party email provider than run your email with a shared IP. Otherwise, it is far safer to go for a dedicated IP, as it’s a better way to protect both your site’s reputation and email privacy.
4. Required to run certain Scripts and Applications
If your site requires certain scripts and apps that are static-only to run, you’ll require a dedicated IP address. But since a shared IP address is rather too common, most applications can run just fine on a shared IP.
Always double-check to ensure that having a dedicated IP address isn’t necessary before acquiring some scripts or buying an application to install on your website.